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Bill Kreutzmann
Bill Kreutzmann, jako William Kreutzmann, (* 7. května 1946[1], Palo Alto, Kalifornie, USA) je americký rockový bubeník, nejvíce známý jako dlouholetý člen skupiny Grateful Dead, se kterou hrál po celou dobu její existence.
Obsah |
- Grateful Dead (1965-1995)
- Backbone (1998)
- The Other Ones (2000-2002)
- The Dead (2003-2009)
- SerialPod (2005)
- Rhythm Devils (2006, 2010)
- BK3 (2008-dosud)
- 7 Walkers (2009-dosud)
Grateful Dead
- Hlavní článek: Diskografie Grateful Dead
- Blows Against The Empire – Paul Kantner a Jefferson Starship (1970)
- If I Could Only Remember My Name – David Crosby (1971)
- James and the Good Brothers – James and the Good Brothers, 1971
- Powerglide – New Riders of the Purple Sage (1971)
- Garcia – Jerry Garcia (1972)
- Graham Nash and David Crosby – Graham Nash a David Crosby (1972)
- Ace – Bob Weir (1972)
- Demon in Disguise – David Bromberg (1972)
- The Rowan Brothers – The Rowan Brothers (1972)
- Fire Up – Merl Saunders (1973)
- Wanted Dead or Alive – David Bromberg (1974)
- Reflections – Jerry Garcia (1976)
- Texican Badman – Peter Rowan (1980)
- The Rhythm Devils Play River Music - The Rhythm Devils (1980)
- Livin' the Life – The Rowan Brothers (1980)
- A Wing and a Prayer – Matt Kelly (1987)
- Retrospective Dreams – RJ Fox (1991)
- The Apocalypse Now Sessions - The Rhythm Devils (1991)
- Fire Up Plus – Merl Saunders (1992)
- Fiesta Amazonica – Merl Saunders and the Rainforest Band (1998)
- Backbone - Backbone (1999)
- Dice with the Universe (EP) - The Trichromes (2002)
- Trichromes - The Trichromes (2002)
- Live at the Fillmore – Denver (DVD) – The String Cheese Incident (2003)
- Now and Then – The Rowan Brothers (2004)
- Out Beyond Ideas – David Wilcox a Nance Pettit (2005)
- The Green Sparrow – Mike Gordon (2008)
- The Rhythm Devils Concert Experience (DVD) - The Rhythm Devils (2008)
- 7 Walkers - 7 Walkers (2010)
Náklady na energie a provoz naší encyklopedie prudce vzrostly. Potřebujeme vaši podporu... Kolik ?? To je na Vás. Náš FIO účet — 2500575897 / 2010 |
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