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Soubor:4341-Milano-Galleria Vittorio Emanuele-Le 4 capitali Roma-Foto Giovanni Dall'Orto 20-jan 2007.jpg

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Verze z 28. 6. 2021, 20:25; Sysop (diskuse | příspěvky)
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Fotografie + Description:

  • Italiano: Dettaglio dal pavimento a mosaico della Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II di Milano: gli stemmi delle quattro capitali del Regno d'Italia. La quarta ed ultima: Roma. Foto di Giovanni Dall'Orto, 20-1-2007.
  • English: Detail from the mosaic floor in the Gallery Vittorio Emanuele II in Milan, Ital: the coats of arms of the four capitals of the Kingdom of Italy. The fourth and last one: Rome. Picture by Giovanni Dall'Orto, Jan. 20 2007.
  • Date: 22 February 2007 (original upload date)
  • Author: G.dallorto

+ pochází z Wikimedia Commons, kde má status – The copyright holder of this file allows anyone to use it for any purpose, provided that the copyright holder is properly attributed. Redistribution, derivative work, commercial use, and all other use is permitted.

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současná28. 6. 2021, 19:42Náhled verze z 28. 6. 2021, 19:422 045×1 252 (2,8 MB)Sysop (diskuse | příspěvky) (Fotografie + )

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