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Soubor:Rediscovering the Americas-TRFlickr.jpg


Verze z 5. 12. 2019, 10:51; Sysop (diskuse | příspěvky)
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Fotografie + English: Rediscovering the Americas (Taken on August 8, 2019, Sony ILCE-7RM3)

  • Earlier this year, I visited 10 cities in North America, took a ton of photos, and gave a ton of art talks about creativity, love, and consciousness. Thanks for everyone that came out! Also thanks to Marriott for hosting me and the art talks at their venues. It was great to see so many awesome people come out. As much as I enjoy sharing photos and stories, I think the post-talk bit with the group + personal Q&A is my favorite! Anyway, here is a collection of my 101 favorite photos from the trip... most of these I have not shared before. There's a combination of architecture, landscape, and street photography. I hope you see something you like at
  • Author: Trey Ratcliff

+ pochází z , kde má status – Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)


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současná5. 12. 2019, 10:51Náhled verze z 5. 12. 2019, 10:511 175×960 (196 kB)Sysop (diskuse | příspěvky) (Fotografie + English: Rediscovering the Americas (Taken on August 8, 2019, Sony ILCE-7RM3) * Earlier this year, I visited 10 cities in North America, took a ton of photos, and gave a ton of art talks about creativity, love, and consciousness. Thanks for)

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