Soubor:Aigle royal (Aquila chrysaetos) (142715420).jpg


Verze z 2. 2. 2018, 00:23; Sysop (diskuse | příspěvky)
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Fotografie + Description: Donjon des Aigles Located in a XIe century castle overlooking the Gave de Pau valley, this bird center hosts more than 45 species of birds of prey and presents fantastic air shows every day.

  • Beaucens, Pyrénées, April 2006
  • Published in LPO brochure, January 2007
  • Date: 29 April 2006, 16:29
  • Source: Aigle royal (Aquila chrysaetos)
  • Author: Daniel from Guipavas, near Brest in Britanny, France
  • Camera location: 42° 58′ 17.39″ N, 0° 03′ 26.1″ W
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současná1. 2. 2018, 23:48Náhled verze z 1. 2. 2018, 23:481 024×682 (130 kB)Sysop (diskuse | příspěvky) (Fotografie + )

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