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Soubor:Czech-03892-Astronomical Clock-DJFlickr.jpg

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GIGANTICKÁ Fotografie + English: (Taken on June 17, 2015, Sony NEX-7)
GIGANTICKÁ Fotografie + English: Czech-03892 - Astronomical Clock (Taken on September 30, 2016, Sony ILCE-6300)
* Prague astronomical clock was first installed in 1410, making it the third-oldest astronomical clock in the world and the oldest one still operating.
* It is mounted on the southern wall of Old Town Hall.
* The clock is composed of three main components:
* 1. "The Walk of the Apostles", a clockwork hourly show of figures of the Apostles and other moving sculptures—notably a figure of Death (represented by a skeleton) striking the time.
* 2. A astronomical dial, representing the position of the Sun and Moon in the sky.
* 3. A calendar dial with medallions representing the months.
* Nové Město, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
* Author: '''Dennis Jarvis''' from Halifax, Canada
* Author: '''Dennis Jarvis''' from Halifax, Canada
+ pochází z Flickr.com, kde má status – Creative Commons
+ pochází z Flickr.com, kde má status – Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0)
FLICKR — https://www.flickr.com/photos/archer10/32638819350/
[[Kategorie:CC fotografie]]
[[Kategorie:CC fotografie]]
[[Kategorie:Gigantické fotografie]]
[[Kategorie:Gigantické fotografie]]
[[Kategorie:Album Dennis Jarvis]]
[[Kategorie:Album Dennis Jarvis]]

Aktuální verze z 14. 1. 2020, 12:13

GIGANTICKÁ Fotografie + English: Czech-03892 - Astronomical Clock (Taken on September 30, 2016, Sony ILCE-6300)

  • Prague astronomical clock was first installed in 1410, making it the third-oldest astronomical clock in the world and the oldest one still operating.
  • It is mounted on the southern wall of Old Town Hall.
  • The clock is composed of three main components:
  • 1. "The Walk of the Apostles", a clockwork hourly show of figures of the Apostles and other moving sculptures—notably a figure of Death (represented by a skeleton) striking the time.
  • 2. A astronomical dial, representing the position of the Sun and Moon in the sky.
  • 3. A calendar dial with medallions representing the months.
  • Nové Město, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
  • Author: Dennis Jarvis from Halifax, Canada

+ pochází z Flickr.com, kde má status – Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0)

FLICKR — https://www.flickr.com/photos/archer10/32638819350/

Historie souboru

Kliknutím na datum a čas se zobrazí tehdejší verze souboru.

Datum a časNáhledRozměryUživatelKomentář
současná14. 1. 2020, 11:15Náhled verze z 14. 1. 2020, 11:154 000×6 000 (25,07 MB)Sysop (diskuse | příspěvky) (GIGANTICKÁ Fotografie + English: (Taken on June 17, 2015, Sony NEX-7) * Author: '''Dennis Jarvis''' from Halifax, Canada + pochází z Flickr.com, kde má status – Creative Commons FLICKR — Kategorie:CC fotografie [[Kategorie:Gigantické fo)
