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Soubor:Planet Color H264 1280x720 59.94

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Gigantické MOV video + Using Color to Search for Alien Earths

NASA astronomer Lucy McFadden and UCLA graduate Carolyn Crow recently made a discovery that will help identify characteristics of extrasolar planets, such as the compositions of their surfaces and atmospheres. By comparing the reflected red, blue, and green light from planets in our solar system, a team led by Crow and McFadden was able to group the planets according to their similarities. As it turns out, the planets fall into very distinct regions on this plot, where the vertical direction indicates the relative amount of blue light, and the horizontal direction the relative amount of red light.

This technique works even when the source of the reflected light is visible only as a point, like exoplanets appear when observed through a telescope. Therefore, scientists can use it to identify earthlike planets more easily.

Video feature describing the process and implications of the planetary color analysis.

+ pochází přímo z, kde má status – Public domain (NASA still images, audio files and video generally are not copyrighted. You may use NASA imagery, video and audio material for educational or informational purposes, including photo collections, textbooks, public exhibits and Internet Web pages.)

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současná21. 5. 2013, 17:48 (43,01 MB)Sysop (diskuse | příspěvky) (XVIDEOS)

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