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Fotografie + Description: The New River flows at 200 cf s as it enters Imperial County, Southern California (United States) from Baja California state (México).

  • The water at this point is three colors: dark green, white (foam), and milky brown/green. The septic stench is pungent, particularly during the summer season when temperatures can reach up to 120º (48ºC). The contaminated soil along the riverbanks is black .
  • A layer of foam frequently forms on the surface of the New River near the International Boundary. This foam is often blown by the wind to areas near the river, including parking lots and a shopping center. In particular, foam often blows into the parking lot of a grocery store located near the International Boundary.
  • Fecal califorms and fecal streptococci have been consistently detected in the New River at the International Boundary. Their presence indicates that fecal contamination of the river has occurred.
  • Date: May 2005
  • Source: Calexico New River Committee (CNRC)
  • Author: CNRC
+ pochází z Wikimedia Commons, kde má status – I, the copyright holder of this work, release this work into the public domain. This applies worldwide.

Historie souboru

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Datum a časNáhledRozměryUživatelKomentář
současná26. 7. 2014, 16:27Náhled verze z 26. 7. 2014, 16:27640×480 (91 kB)Sysop (diskuse | příspěvky) (Fotografie+)

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